Weekly Updates

2025 Season: Reefscape

Week 0

This week Lancer Robotics has jumped right into the FRC season. We had started out our season all together for kickoff as we got to discover the game this year, Reefscape. We were able to spend the day brainstorming strategies and build ideas while also going over the manual. Lancers have researched a variety of robot designs online as they observed what works and what struggles to foster new ideas and designs. The team has started to prototype different ideas and elements to add to our robot that aligns with our goal and strategy. Members have also been refining their skills on the team as they were taught and refreshed on the skills needed in all areas like electrical where they were taught valuable techniques on crimps and the robot systems. As well as brainstorming and building, the team has also been creating the field elements for this season's competition to better help test ideas and operate the robot in the new terrain.

Week 1

Being about a third into the season, Lancer Robotics has developed prototypes for the robot design as well as finalizing the robot and elevator dimensions. Along with this, they have not been able to escape the task of building field elements. With field elements finished, a practice course has been mostly complete to prepare our drivers with the built drivebase. Code has also been hard at work as they have been tirelessly working to debug issues and also minor problems. Even though electronics are not too heavy at the moment in the season, it hasn’t stopped them from working hard. Planning for the electronics system has been no easy and simple task as members have been brainstorming as well as setting up components and wiring early for the season. Lancers and mentors have been going on strong into the 2025 season and diligent with the work needed on the team!

Week 2

Continuing on from last week Lancer Robotics has been inspiring their season with the goal to build a great robot. Code team works hard in and out of the lab as they have been fixing and testing code for the robot early as well as continuing to expand their knowledge on the complications of code at home. Design team has also been working hard as they have been learning all the intricacies of the various CNC machines in the lab. They work in and out of the lab as they model the robot, prototypes and work out the placement of components with the help of other subteams. Design team has also been continuing their prototypes as they finish up testing and building possible ideas. Build team has had a busy week as they finished up all the field elements making driving practice and testing much easier! With the new changes to bumpers this year, Lancers worked on the bumpers trying to find ways to improve bumpers along with creating swerve modules. Last but not least, driver testing has begun! Any Lancer who wants to try out has been given the opportunity to put their skills to the test as they show off their abilities to navigate the large and fast robot in hope of being the drivers for competition. Lancers will continue to analyze, brainstorm and innovate new ideas in the lab with the season going forward!

Week 3

Last week, Lancer Robotics continued their work in the lab. Code has been working non-stop with testing the Neo swerve bases and tuning PIDs. Along with all this, the Code team has been working tirelessly to make the trajectory file for auto aligning the robot for competition with limelight. The Electronics team has also been getting more busy as we get deeper into the season. From tasks like organizing components and pits to testing and prepping motors, they have been working on both the present and the future as they not only think about what needs to get done at the moment but will be nice and needed going forward into the robotics season. As hard as ever, the Build team maintains their work in the lab. They are assembling many components needed for our robot this year like the elevator. Continuing on from last week they also worked on the ongoing bumper project, making them up to par and the best as ever. Last but foremost, the Design team has been advancing their work on prototypes. They’re prototypes are meant to provide more options to the robot design going into the season giving us versatility in design choices and last minute changes. In addition, the Design team has been actively in the machine room as they use the CNC to create more robot parts for the Build team in the lab. With each week inching closer to competition, the Lancers work harder and harder to perform their best!

Week 4

With just a couple weeks left till our first competition, our robotics team has been working at full speed. Design team is pushing forward as they continue machining robot parts. They have also been reviewing the CAD for this year's robot. They are finishing up the intake prototypes that might be possibly used on the robot at competition this year. With the Design team finishing up their prototypes, the Electronics team is starting theirs. The Electronics team is researching new can technologies and planning out their structure for teh 2 leveled electronics board this year. Build team has also been grinding away. They have continued their project of building the elevator, building the drive base, and adding finishing touches to the new bumpers. Code is also getting ahead through their work. Code team continues testing as they test teh translation to make sure it works fully, setting up gyro set points, working on photo vision, and coding the color sensors. As we get closer and closer to competition, strategy steam has also started up as they start planning and brainstorming game plans to help the team go to success. As the weeks go by and through lots of hours in the lab, Lancers can’t wait to go to competitions this season!

Week 5

As competitions for Saint Francis are inching closer, the team has been getting more and more excited! Code team has continued to incorporate photovision into the robot movement and alignment. As well as that, the Code team has completed both elevator code creating different setpoints and have been tracking wheel positions to drive to particular set points. Both of which need to be tested. Electronics team has also been picking up the pace as their weeks have been getting busier and busier. Electronics has been testing and preparing the motors that will be used for manipulators on the robot such as the climber. They have also been redesigning the electronics board and mount ahead of time for the final drive base to incorporate all the new manipulators. Design team has been ongoing projects from last week like prototyping intake, machining parts and more. Design team has also picked up the task of testing manipulators that will be put onto the robot. Build team is working hard to finish the elevator as many issues have come by that have now been fixed. Lancer are continuing their build season with lots of assembling and machining. Last but not least, the Strategy team has officially started their season. They discussed some possible auto paths and basic ideas for tele-op. As every day goes by, the suspense and excitement in the lab grows higher and the Lancers can't wait!